Thursday, February 14, 2008

Technology Reflections

I have learned several things about technology so far this semester. I have really enjoyed learning how to make a blog and how easy it is. I always assumed it was really complicated to have a fancy blog using all kinds of elements, but the things I have put on here were all pretty simple. I especially like the widgets! Being able to see how many people have visited my blog (8 so far!) is really interesting. I also like to see the results of my quiz (100% of participants want a vacation day after Easter!).

As far as using blogs in a classroom, I dont know how likely that will be in my future. I want to teach elementary aged students who might not be ready for blogging. I have been trying to think of an idea for my CMC miniproject that could work for this age group, but I am having a hard time. I might need to pretend like I am working with middle or highschool students. If anyone has any ideas for elementary CMC I would love to hear them!


Liz E said...

Hola Kennedy! Hope you are having a good weekend! I was also excited to be able to add features to my blog like a video, survey, and pictures! I too was suprised at how simple it actually was.(with your help! haha). I do see the potential of using blogs in the middle or high school classroom but you are right, I do not know if it would be a good idea for elementary school students or not?! Anyways, see ya tommorow!

Francisco Salgado-Robles said...

Hi Kennedy,
This is Francisco, from UF. In reading this post, I feel pretty much many of points you emphasize.
Hadn't I taken this seminar, I would not have dedicated to read and learn about the current issues on SLA & CALL.
Little by little I am also learning how to make the blog "fancier" or, at least, informative.
In regards to your question of which technology you could use for elementary aged students, have you heard about teacherweb ( Do not worry if you are still struggling to find out about your project, I am in the same condition. This said, I will see you around! Have a nice week.

Dr. L said...

I agree that widgets are fun! Good post / interesting comments. 10/10

Nik604 said...

Hey Kennedy,
Could you give me you email address so that we can talk about our article discussion for March
3rd? Mine is: Maybe we could talk in the near future to make a plan?
