Friday, February 29, 2008

CMC in the classroom

I think computer mediated communication can be an excellent tool in a foreign language classroom, sometimes. I think that both asynchronous and sychronous communication can be valuable, but it all depends on how the activites are set up and the way the technology is managed.

I think that setting up an intercultural chat is a great way to get students using language for a reason. In these situations I think that the focus should be on the cultural aspect of the communication rather than form. If a chat is taking place between NNS then maybe form could become more important. Mostly, I like the idea of using jigsaw activities or information gaps to get students communicating for a purpose. These kinds of activities are fun and educational.

I think when using asynchronous types of CMC it is easier to place an emphasis on form. In the case of email or blogging, students have more time to think about what they want to say and therefore, to think about how they are using the langauge.

Overall, I think we have been introduced to lots of great forms of CMC this semester. However, I am having a hard time making connections between what we discuss and do in class and how it could be implemented in an elementary classroom. So far, video/audio CMC is the only type I can think of with practical uses for young learners. But, with these I am having trouble justifying how they are any different than just face-to-face communication. Maybe I am just scared of the classroom management issues that teaching technology to kindergarteners would create.

1 comment:

Dr. L said...

Good thoughts. You could use email in an elementary class (a class to class email) where y'all could write together and send to an elementary class abroad. 10/10